Start a Career as a Union Boilermaker with Boilermakers Lodge 101!
I am a Boilermaker.
I am a skilled craftsperson and a member of a team.
I serve my family, my crew, my local, my Union and my employer.
I serve a Brotherhood whose EXCEPTIONAL legacy spans over 130 years.
I honor those who came before me, my MENTORS.
I honor their struggle to provide me with a Union OPPORTUNITY.
I respect their knowledge, leadership and integrity.
I will show up on time, ready to work.
I will give quality work for quality pay.
I will honor the negotiated contract and let my stewards and Union representatives do their jobs.
I will be responsible and accountable for my actions.
I will do it right the first time.
I am an excellent problem solver.
I am a guest at job sites and conduct myself accordingly.
I am constantly learning and sharing that knowledge.
I am always working safely and demand the same from those around me.
I am a guardian of craftsmanship and the Union way of life.
I am a part of a Brotherhood.
I am a Boilermaker.